Whytrig Middle School pupils review The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe theatre production following their trip to the Empire Theatre, Sunderland on Wednesday 1 December 2021.

Josh, Y5

It was a great show! Fantastic songs, good actors and amazing effects.

For those who don’t know the story is about two girls and two boys who are evacuated from their home to go and stay with people in the countryside.  They end up in a big house, and while exploring find a strange room with a huge wardrobe.  Inside the wardrobe they find the most magical land and have some adventures with mythical creatures, talking animals, and an evil witch!

The music and songs were fantastic, and sung really well by the cast, who were great.  Without spoiling the story completely the effects were amazing, and it really got you interested and caught up in the story!

I give this a 4.5 out of 5.  I really enjoyed our trip to the theatre.


Travis, Y5

I have not read the book of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe so I wasn’t sure what the story  was going to be about. 

As my first trip to the theatre, other than panto, I was very impressed with the performance. I liked  the music, costumes and story. 

The actors were brilliant, especially the lady who played the White Witch. My favourite part was  when she was on the platform with the white silk going round. 

It was very clever how they created Narnia on the stage, using fake snow and smoke machines. 

The stage show made me want to read the book and watch the movie, as the story is really  interesting. 

If asked to give a rating out of 5 stars, I would definitely say 5 out of 5!