Our Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week are:

Year 5

George S - For producing some fantastic work in English.

Scarlett C - Being more confident and making fantastic contributions!

April K-N -  Superb performance in the Fun Run - 1st girl in the school!

James H - Amazing performance in the Fun Run - 4th out of the whole school!

Nathan L - Wonderful enthusiasm and excellent effort in Science.

Special Recognition Award 

Coby M - Outstanding effort and dedication in boxing, therefore winning his first fight!

Kobi B and Kai T - for exceptional skills and effort in Bikeability!


Most Merits - Iyla B and Molly-Grace C


Year 6

Willow R - For always doing the right thing and trying her hardest with everything she does.

Daisy H - For being a really good, positive role model to 6S in ERIC and form time.

Drew Mc - For being a really good, positive role model to 6S in ERIC and form time.

Jacob G - For always doing the right thing and being happy and cheery all the time.

Freddy M - For having a fantastic attitude towards difficult tasks this week.


Most Merits - Dominic H 


Well done everyone!